NBC has been airing re-runs of old Apprentice episodes on weeknights in an apparent direct attempt to ‘counterprogram’ against the President’s recently resumed daily briefings.
As per the network executive responsible for the decision:
“People want to watch Trump. It’s that simple. If he’s on TV, people are watching. But we figured people might be pretty tired of hearing about the whole utter fucking catastrophe that has been our lack of a federal response to COVID-19 – so why not give the people not what they need, but what they want instead? That is our entire business model, after all.”
He continued:
“People love it. It’s Trump before Trump stopped being fun. That’s what the people really want”.
A mid-season episode from Celebrity Apprentice season two was outstripping the White House coronavirus briefing in viewership by a ratio of six to one at the time of this reporting.